According to some studies, up to 75 percent of people who develop heart disease have normal cholesterol levels when they receive their first screening. If these numbers are outside of normal limits, you might be at risk for heart disease. This tests for things like total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol, and others. Your doctor will examine your blood test results and may recommend a lipid panel. Interpret Blood Test Results: High Cholesterol Levels When you go to see your doctor with your results, she will help guide you through them, but if you’re still left scratching your head in confusion, don’t worry – we’re here to help! Comprehensive Guide To Interpret Blood Test Results 6 Many factors need to be taken to account, such as what you ate or drank before the test, any medicines you may have been taking, and even the time of day your sample was collected. Interpreting your blood test results can be a complicated business.